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Securing A School District: Emergency Alert System Installed By MCG

Millennium Communications Group provided an all-encompassing security system for West-Windsor Plainsboro Regional School District through installation of Cisco phones and licenses, an Informacast emergency alerting system, cabling and installation of cameras, as well as Gentec access control. Introducing the Informacast System provided the school system with the capability to send mass notifications to all devices in the network through a single emergency notification system. Through the Informacast System the client has the ability to send critical information to the necessary people during emergency situations, create custom messages, as well as initiate follow-up messages, all capabilities that are extremely important for school systems to maintain safety in this day and age. It also has the capability to work with the Genetec access control system which can lock down all doors in the school district if needed.

Millennium met with key personnel from the school system to discuss any concerns and issues with their previous security system in order to determine the best solutions tailored to their needs. The client was provided with the Genetec Security Center base package which includes a directory, as well as security desk client connections, basic plan management, and alarm management. Also included within the Genetec base package is access to advanced reporting, system partitioning, zone monitoring, IO modules support, email support, macros support, and support for server virtualization. The client required the Genetec Security Center Synergis Enterprise Package software which provides the client with one access manager connection, two Synergis Web Client connections, 100,000 cardholders, and Antipassback technology. Millennium not only provided the client with all of the access control technology to assure their security, but also provided the client with the skills and training for successful usage of all products and services.

Included was the assignment of a project manager who is involved to ensure coordination between the client and Millennium’s crew members. The project manager is required to meet weekly with the client to discuss the project process, issues, and any changes to the equipment delivery. A project manager is the individual who will design and maintain project documentation, use their project management skills to monitor plans and performance, and ensure compliance with regulatory codes, standards, and specifications. Included with the client’s solution was the access to Millennium Managed Services as well as a Service Level Agreement created in order to assure the client will receive a prompt response should they need any assistance, or if any problems should arise.

In the end, the project was a great success. The school district was able to meet and surpass their security goals with a turnkey solution from Millennium Communications Group.


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