We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the HCESC-CAT-22-01 Technology Supplies & Equipment contract as an approved vendor to sell Genetec, Axis, 2N, Tripplite, Raytec, Panduit, EtherWan, Winstead, Phillips, and Wilson Pro.
Not familiar with the HCESC?
The Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission operates a State of New Jersey Cooperative Pricing System, established in 1990, with the main objective of saving time and money. In addition, the bidding requirements for the goods and services purchased are satisfied. The co-op consists of over 730 members throughout the state. Schools, colleges, universities, libraries, counties, authorities and local governments are eligible to join and take advantage of the variety of bids available through the cooperative.
There is no fee to join, belong or use any of the wide variety of bids available.
Once your membership has been approved by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, you become a lifetime member of HCESC.
Should you have any additional questions regarding this contract, please contact us.
We look forward to working with the HCESC co-op members on the procurement of their technology equipment.